Adult & Continuing Education
The Adult & Continuing Education Center at York County School of Technology will maintain its normal hours during the summer.
High School Guidance
The high school’s Guidance Department has limited hours during the summer. An appointment must be scheduled in advance to meet with a school counselor. Please contact a counselor to inquire about appointment availability.
Samuel Shaw
717-741-0820 x5101
Nola Bassett
717-741-0820 x5214
Shante Morant
717-741-0820 x5307
Dylan Maxwell
717-741-0820 x5304
Bruce Riley
717-741-0820 x5212
Parents and caregivers may email or call their student’s counselor at any time. Email and phone messages are checked throughout the summer and are usually responded to in the order they are received.
High School Office
The high school office will be open on weekdays during the summer from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. However, it will be closed to unscheduled visitors on Fridays starting June 23 and continuing through July.
The kiosk inside door #1 will be staffed on weekdays during the summer from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. However, it will be closed for lunch from 12-1 p.m. starting on June 30 and lasting through Aug. 4, so visitors will not be admitted during this time.
Tech Gear Store
Please refer to this document for more information about the school store’s hours during the summer.
Work Permits
Work permits for York Tech students can still be obtained during the summer. Staff will be available in the high school office Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. until Thursday, July 6. Starting on July 10 and lasting until the start of school, staff will be available Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m.

Fuel Your Future
York Tech has been helping to shape students' futures since 1969. If you think we might be a good fit for you, be on the lookout for more information about our annual Open House in November. In the meantime, we welcome the chance to answer your questions, so don't hesitate to reach out!