Twenty-five York Tech students competed in the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association Region III Conference on Saturday, Jan. 20. There were numerous top-three finishes (listed below), which helped most of our Spartans qualify for the state competition in April. The day was a resounding success for this group and our TSA advisors, Ms. Bacha and Mr. Skundrich.
First Place, Webmaster
Christopher Cooper
Autumn Cole
Brandon Krout
Alexander Lukens
Carter Sprinkle
Second Place, Audio Podcasting
Gabriella Stevens
Second Place, Structural Design & Engineering
Hannah Libhart
Katelyn Tappin
Third Place, Flight Endurance
Asher Hortman
Third Place, Technology Bowl
Asher Hortman
Adam Eddahmouni
Dominick Bosnick
Third Place, RC Car Racing
Christopher Cooper
Brandon Krout
Carter Sprinkle
Third Place, Prepared Presentation
Gabriella Stevens

Fuel Your Future
York Tech has been helping to shape students' futures since 1969. If you think we might be a good fit for you, be on the lookout for more information about our annual Open House in November. In the meantime, we welcome the chance to answer your questions, so don't hesitate to reach out!